Censorship of Weibo Searches in China
The following is a list of searches that are blocked on Sina Weibo. Sina Weibo is the most popular microblog in China (http://twitter.com is blocked). Since it operates inside China, it is not affected by the so-called Great Firewall of China. Instead, it practices self-censorship, for example by not allowing users to search for numerous keywords, such as those listed on this page. When searching for any of these, the user is presented by the following message:
根据相关法律法规和政策,“[the blocked keyword]”搜索结果未予显示。
This translates into:
According to relevant laws, regulations and policies, search results for [the blocked keyword] can not be displayed.
Our system automatically detects whether given keywords are blocked or not. If you can't find the keyword that you're looking for, please feel free to use the Test Keyword function on the top of this page. Another great source of what's blocked on Weibo is http://blockedonweibo.tumblr.com.
* Blocked, censored, or restricted, in the last 90 days. Red = a URL that is blocked, or a keyword that is censored on one or more websites. Yellow = a URL that is throttled or self-censored. For more info, click an individual entry or check out or FAQ.
代办证件 is not a blocked search term on Weibo?
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