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Tue, Nov 18, 2014

HSBC corporate banking blocked in China; in and outbound finance impacted

The censorship authorities in China have blocked access to HSBC’s corporate banking portal, HSBCnet, casting a large shadow over the the ability for both foreign and domestic companies to conduct day-to-day business inside the country.

What happened?

On October 23, 2014 users started to report that they had trouble accessing the online corporate banking service at global behemoth HSBC.

The bank itself was forced to add a note on its website acknowledging a problem:

Important Message: Customers logging in from China

Dear HSBCnet User

Please be advised that HSBCnet Users are currently experiencing problems when attempting to log into the system from within China. We are aware of this issue and are diligently working with local providers to deliver a prompt resolution.

This challenge resides outside the HSBCnet system and activity performed through our online banking platform remains secure.

China just blocked thousands of websites

The Chinese censorship authorities have DNS poisoned *, which means all subdomains of are blocked in China. EdgeCast is one of the largest Content Delivery Networks (CDN) in the world and provides its cloud services to thousands of websites and apps in China.

We have acknowledged all along that our method of unblocking websites using “collateral freedom” hinges on the gamble that the Chinese authorities will not block access to global CDNs because they understand the value of China being integrated with the global internet. However, we can now reveal publicly that the authorities are doing just that - attempting to cut China off from the global internet.

We have seen instances of “collateral damage” due to “collateral freedom” over the past few days and have received emails from some smaller website owners wondering why their non-sensitive sites are being blocked by the great firewall.

What's going on?

The disruption to EdgeCast’s service was noted by the company on their website on November 14, 2014, although we noticed a problem on November 12 and the first poisoning on the 13th. The company's status update still appears on their site:

Please be advised, we are experiencing issues with content delivery in the China region due to suddenly increased restrictions imposed by the Chinese Government. If you are receiving reports from end users not able to view content from within China, please contact our network Operations center to discuss the options available to you.

Tue, Oct 28, 2014

Apple and Microsoft trust Chinese government to protect your communication

Mozilla, Microsoft and Apple continue to trust CNNIC, putting user data at risk everywhere.

Mon, Oct 20, 2014

China collecting Apple iCloud data; attack coincides with launch of new iPhone

This is clearly a malicious attack on Apple in an effort to gain access to usernames and passwords and consequently all data stored on iCloud such as iMessages, photos, contacts, etc. Unlike the recent attack on Google, this attack is nationwide. While the attacks on Google and Yahoo enabled the authorities to snoop on what information Chinese were accessing on those two platforms, the Apple attack is different. If users ignored the security warning and clicked through to the Apple site and entered their username and password, this information has now been compromised by the Chinese authorities. Many Apple customers use iCloud to store their personal information, including iMessages, photos and contacts. This may also somehow be related again to images and videos of the Hong Kong protests being shared on the mainland.

Mon, Sep 29, 2014

Wall Street Journal Chinese denies self-censorship

We also know that journalists are under enormous amounts of stress and we respect the fact that both WSJ and Reuters have reporters on the ground, putting themselves in danger to report this story. But why make such an effort if the fruits of that labor become evident more than 24 hours after the event for the audience that deserves to hear this story the most?

Reuters Chinese and Chinese WSJ self-censor on Hong Kong democracy protest

Reuters Chinese and WSJ Chinese are not reporting anything related to the Hong Kong protests while Reuters U.S. and WSJ U.S. both feature the protest as headline items.

Wed, Sep 24, 2014

LinkedIn debacle may come back to haunt the Chinese authorities

As the authorities place even greater restrictions on foreign internet properties who wish to operate in China, they are giving these companies little room to manoeuvre and pushing them to adopt alternative approaches.

Thu, Sep 04, 2014

Authorities launch man-in-the-middle attack on Google

While the authorities have been blocking access to most things Google since June 4th, they have kept their hands off of CERNET, China’s nationwide education and research network. However, in the lead up to the new school year, the Chinese authorities have launched a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack against Google.

Wed, Jun 18, 2014


一般大家以为五毛党能一眼识别,实际不然。五毛不仅在国内评论,在海外比如推特也有活动。本文只阐述了高级五毛,明显的五毛和直接刷屏的五毛不是本文重点 现在,五毛越来越隐蔽,并且使用心理学制造红色恐怖来阻止大家进行六四纪念。此篇文章曝光了一系列这种隐蔽系列的五毛。这些推特上的五毛Follow了很多民运人士,而且推文都比较隐蔽,让人一眼看上去像普通的推友。
